LED carry light market on LED's back this year have been rather expecting, LED manufacturer all hope and put in the lighting on the market, according to LEDinside observation, illuminate currently the amount of market demands at most still keeps coming from Chinese mainland and Japanese market, the Japanese market later on restricts electricity a policy because of the earthquake with the result that the LED lighting need has great capacity and increases, the LED ball of the second quarter bubble light permeates a rate more than 30% already, but along with the summer in the end of the third quarter restrict electricity after loosenning measure, market demands quantity whether can also maintain Be worth observing.
Chinese mainland market to see, in"25 programmings" to LED development the target carried on explicit description, the aim occupies local and in general use lighting market above 30% quota in China in the 2015 semi-conductor lighting, the production value expectation attains 500,000,000,000 dollars, and actively before pushing the Chinese semi-conductor lighting industry into world three strong.LEDinside points out that the "ten cities are ten thousand" plan that Chinese mainland science and technology department programs will turn into second stage in 2012, Peking City and mountain west the province faces Fen City and Jiangsu province the state City, Zhejiang province lake state City and Anhui province often matches fatty city and Anhui province Wu lake City, Fukien province Zhang state City and Fukien province the even pond is comprehensive experiment the mountain City in the area, Buddha mountain City in province Xiang pond City, province Guangzhou City, Guangdong and Guangdong province in Shandong province Qingdao City, Hunan province Chen state City and Hunan and Guangdong province and sea south province seaport City and treasure chicken City in Shaanxi province's etc. is 16 cities, is been included in the second"ten cities are ten thousand" semi-conductor by science and technology department and illuminates apply engineering experimental unit city, will expand LED and economize on energy street lamp further.
On the other hand, the agriculture big country claims to be of China, just and actively join LED the agriculture illuminate this realm, and hold hands international LED the big factory establish LED the plant factory develop a strategic alliance.LEDinside will investigate several ten LEDs of Chinas in the near future applied business enterprise, almost all business enterprises are optimistic about LED, the agriculture illuminates a market, and think that the LED agriculture of China's illuminating a market will see income within two years.
LEDinside thinks that the Chinese mainland LED agriculture illuminates a market to see within two years the income main reason include three, on seeing from the LED oneself characteristic, LED has low have fever the cold light of characteristic of source, the physical volume is small, the organization is close, can project light upon a plant by close quarter and raise the space utilization of plant cultivation;Send out the light wave more narrow monochrome light again, can also according to needing to be carried out to arbitrarily combine;These was applied to agriculture lighting to create good foundation for LED. To protect the foot is injured a tool
Two BE, the world economizes on energy the trend of environmental protection to arouse.Turn worse day by day along with the energy crisis, economize on energy save an electricity have already helped a ball consensus and there is data suggesting, consuming of LED gives or gets an electric shock quantity just for 1/8 of incandescent lamp, is 1/2 of fluorescent lamp;And don't contain the metal mercury, wastes can recall and add of don't easily fall in pieces, become the international community head new green for choosing to illuminate a product.
Three BE, speak from the state of the nation of Chinese oneself, the Chinese government has been valuing the development of agriculture and village, the last few years as to it's the strength for supporting is also more and more big, almost all stores include a LED business enterprise and also all unanimously think that the agriculture, village market is the biggest market in Chinese potential, and LEDinsded LED factory house in the survey equally and without previous arrangement must is optimistic about this markets as well.
LEDinside is analytical, currently China own numerous LEDs applied business enterprise, LED of each new of applied market, will give China huge LED application the business enterprise bring new development opportunity, the China LED agriculture illuminates an application is also such.
Japanese market, the LEDinside survey discovers, LED gave out light a promoting of efficiency to carry out LED and illuminate to arrive at soon, LED illuminated market demands and most likely came from a company and used space or indoor lighting etc. zero spread of order, don't see a large-scale subsidy policy, made big power LED quoted a fall obviously, take Japan as an example, its LED lamp bulb in 2010 retail price invite in US$40 and currently it the lowest retail price arrive at USD 18, the fall obviously makes the consumer have a felling, and later on restricts electricity a policy and makes the Japan LED lighting need had great capacity and increases because of the earthquake, this year the LED ball of second quarter Japan bubble the light permeate rate more than 30% is already.However, the summer in the end of the third quarter of the year restricts electricity after measure loosen up to now, market demands quantity whether can also maintain Be worth observing.
LED currents
LEDs, by nature, require direct current (DC) with low voltage, as opposed to the mains electricity from the electrical grid which supplies a high voltage with an alternating current (AC).
A CR dropper (resistor-capacitor circuit) followed by a full-wave rectifier is the usual electrical ballast with series‒parallel LED clusters. A single series string minimizes dropper losses, while paralleled strings increase reliability. In practice usually three strings or more are used.Tin Box
An advantage of a capacitor is that it can reduce the high line voltage to an appropriate low voltage, without wasting power, with a very simple circuit; a disadvantage is that there may be a high surge of current for a short time when it is first turned on.
Operation on square wave and modified sine wave (MSW) sources, such as many inverters, causes heavily-increased resistor dissipation in CR droppers, and LED ballasts designed for sine wave use tend to burn on non-sine waveforms. The non-sine waveform also causes high peak LED currents, heavily shortening LED life. An inductor and rectifier make a more suitable ballast for such use,Office Furniture Desk
and other options are also possible. Dedicated integrated circuits are available that provide optimal drive for LEDs and maximum overall efficiency.
The LED exclusive agency's appearance, is should the market demand be born. Zhongshan residential light illumination science and technology Limited company Guo Huaguo once so recounted that opens the LED exclusive agency the reason. in 2009, the company started the LED interior lighting sale.
Because the LED interior lighting needs the good product demonstration and the scene experience, therefore, the company strengthened the LED exclusive agency construction. At present, has established 10 exclusive agencies many in the nation,LED Lights Supplier
the area in 60 square meters, but the big flagship shop amounts to 100 square meters. thus it can be seen, along with the LED fast development, specially the LED interior lighting application's promotion, the LED exclusive agency construction also will accelerate.
the multiple factors restrict the LED exclusive agency to develop to establish the exclusive agency, regardless to product sales volume promotion, brand image mold, consumer's attraction, to enterprise culture's propaganda, the product exhibition and the promotion and so on is playing the very important role. At the same time, the exclusive agency load bearing product post-sale service's function, is being also advantageous to the promotion enterprise competitive power and the market degree of satisfaction. However, the LED exclusive agency somewhat is at present slow in the domestic construction process.taylor made suits Investigates its reason, mainly has the following five aspect restriction.
To increase efficiency (or to allow digital intensity control without a more complex digital-to-analog converter), the power may be applied periodically or intermittently; so long as the flicker rate is greater than the human flicker fusion threshold, the LED will appear to be continuously lit.
A CR dropper (resistor-capacitor circuit) followed by a full-wave rectifier is the usual electrical ballast with series‒parallel LED clusters. A single series string minimizes dropper losses, while paralleled strings increase reliability. In practice usually three strings or more are used.Tin Box
An advantage of a capacitor is that it can reduce the high line voltage to an appropriate low voltage, without wasting power, with a very simple circuit; a disadvantage is that there may be a high surge of current for a short time when it is first turned on.
Operation on square wave and modified sine wave (MSW) sources, such as many inverters, causes heavily-increased resistor dissipation in CR droppers, and LED ballasts designed for sine wave use tend to burn on non-sine waveforms. The non-sine waveform also causes high peak LED currents, heavily shortening LED life. An inductor and rectifier make a more suitable ballast for such use,Office Furniture Desk
and other options are also possible. Dedicated integrated circuits are available that provide optimal drive for LEDs and maximum overall efficiency.
The LED exclusive agency's appearance, is should the market demand be born. Zhongshan residential light illumination science and technology Limited company Guo Huaguo once so recounted that opens the LED exclusive agency the reason. in 2009, the company started the LED interior lighting sale.
Because the LED interior lighting needs the good product demonstration and the scene experience, therefore, the company strengthened the LED exclusive agency construction. At present, has established 10 exclusive agencies many in the nation,LED Lights Supplier
the area in 60 square meters, but the big flagship shop amounts to 100 square meters. thus it can be seen, along with the LED fast development, specially the LED interior lighting application's promotion, the LED exclusive agency construction also will accelerate.
the multiple factors restrict the LED exclusive agency to develop to establish the exclusive agency, regardless to product sales volume promotion, brand image mold, consumer's attraction, to enterprise culture's propaganda, the product exhibition and the promotion and so on is playing the very important role. At the same time, the exclusive agency load bearing product post-sale service's function, is being also advantageous to the promotion enterprise competitive power and the market degree of satisfaction. However, the LED exclusive agency somewhat is at present slow in the domestic construction process.taylor made suits Investigates its reason, mainly has the following five aspect restriction.
To increase efficiency (or to allow digital intensity control without a more complex digital-to-analog converter), the power may be applied periodically or intermittently; so long as the flicker rate is greater than the human flicker fusion threshold, the LED will appear to be continuously lit.
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答:不同的減肥藥有不同的配方,但主要的原理是在短時間內加速神經系統,促進燃燒脂肪。也不能說不好,但是減肥藥確實不是每個人都適用的,而且有些配方確實沒有安全的保證。楊重要的是,減肥藥的作用也只是微乎其微,所以還是省省錢吧。很多減肥藥的價格都不菲。 LED Lights Supplier
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