LEDs, by nature, require direct current (DC) with low voltage, as opposed to the mains electricity from the electrical grid which supplies a high voltage with an alternating current (AC).
A CR dropper (resistor-capacitor circuit) followed by a full-wave rectifier is the usual electrical ballast with series‒parallel LED clusters. A single series string minimizes dropper losses, while paralleled strings increase reliability. In practice usually three strings or more are used.Tin Box
An advantage of a capacitor is that it can reduce the high line voltage to an appropriate low voltage, without wasting power, with a very simple circuit; a disadvantage is that there may be a high surge of current for a short time when it is first turned on.
Operation on square wave and modified sine wave (MSW) sources, such as many inverters, causes heavily-increased resistor dissipation in CR droppers, and LED ballasts designed for sine wave use tend to burn on non-sine waveforms. The non-sine waveform also causes high peak LED currents, heavily shortening LED life. An inductor and rectifier make a more suitable ballast for such use,Office Furniture Desk
and other options are also possible. Dedicated integrated circuits are available that provide optimal drive for LEDs and maximum overall efficiency.
The LED exclusive agency's appearance, is should the market demand be born. Zhongshan residential light illumination science and technology Limited company Guo Huaguo once so recounted that opens the LED exclusive agency the reason. in 2009, the company started the LED interior lighting sale.
Because the LED interior lighting needs the good product demonstration and the scene experience, therefore, the company strengthened the LED exclusive agency construction. At present, has established 10 exclusive agencies many in the nation,LED Lights Supplier
the area in 60 square meters, but the big flagship shop amounts to 100 square meters. thus it can be seen, along with the LED fast development, specially the LED interior lighting application's promotion, the LED exclusive agency construction also will accelerate.
the multiple factors restrict the LED exclusive agency to develop to establish the exclusive agency, regardless to product sales volume promotion, brand image mold, consumer's attraction, to enterprise culture's propaganda, the product exhibition and the promotion and so on is playing the very important role. At the same time, the exclusive agency load bearing product post-sale service's function, is being also advantageous to the promotion enterprise competitive power and the market degree of satisfaction. However, the LED exclusive agency somewhat is at present slow in the domestic construction process.taylor made suits Investigates its reason, mainly has the following five aspect restriction.
To increase efficiency (or to allow digital intensity control without a more complex digital-to-analog converter), the power may be applied periodically or intermittently; so long as the flicker rate is greater than the human flicker fusion threshold, the LED will appear to be continuously lit.